Casket Funeral Spray Am I The Only One That Thinks This Or Not?Do You Think It's "morbid"to Take Flowers From Someones Funeral Boqu

Am i the only one that thinks this or not?Do you think it's "morbid"to take flowers from someones funeral boqu - casket funeral spray

I think there is at least "pathological, if not disrespectful to take someones flowers ve ben boquets.I burial funeral, and people swarming the coffin (under the" service drops ") to the flowers from the spray zone and other floral arrangements to take reminded me of "vultures." C'mon People, they were bought for DECEECED!


EvilWoma... said...

I have never seen or did people flock to the beer, but I've seen how people have a small spray of flowers after the service at the grave. I'm not trying to be critical of people at the funeral. We grieve in our own way, not for anyone who wants to take a souvenir from a funeral spray. The testator can enjoy the flowers, so that life can also be used as they see fit.

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