White Whole Wheat Flour Can You Swap White Flour For Whole Wheat Flour?

Can you swap white flour for whole wheat flour? - white whole wheat flour

Not at all cook, but I'm willing to try a recipe for zucchini bread with apple. And of course, ahead of white flower. I'm not a fan of white flowers and bought a package of flour, thought it would be healthier.

My question is ... Can I instead of wheat flour, otherwise I would be something else to add the work of the wheat flour?

Thank you.


wdj said...

No, not to go absolutely no problem.

Eagle Eye said...

However, you can add a little baking soda or powder to which this is the zucchini to bake bread and a little lighter, eggs until light yellow color, the bread that are more sweet and slightly out that whole wheat is heavier than white flour, the use of raw meal for most of my bread.

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